Saturday, 8 June 2013

The ( Unconciously Competant )Constant Gardener

As a student of life, I am constantly examining the wonderful and mysterious phenomenon of the human experience, trying to make sense of the common patterns and threads in an attempt to unravel the mystery. I guess that’s what fuels the passion for my work. Each day I get to witness the stories of so many people seeking a solution, a cure,a method through the futility and in the process, I find my own.
So here’s a universal phenomenon -an experience of feeling of pain angst or dissatisfaction whether it triggered by a major life event or  a more frustrating feeling of being in a “ dark place” that has no identifiable cause.  Somehow we have an overwhelming sense that something needs to change something has to be different- and we seek ways out of the uncomfortable place whether it is through finding the cure, the fix or the easy way out!
Take this analogy – life is a journey towards “Destination Happiness”   we are all taking our own version of the highway- it’s quick ,fast, and is meant to get us  there in the shortest possible timeOur ownunique version of the highway is created over time- shaped by our beliefs and perceptions and life experiences.
Many of us are simply cruising along on this highway, completely unconscious and unaware that something more exists. We are  UNCONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT to the possibility of living an authentic life.
No thought is needed; no effort is required to travel this road.  It is familiar and deeply grooved through years of unconscious walking
Neuro-biologically, this path actually exists as a neural pathway.  An addictive pattern of thought, ideas and behaviours created over time ishardwired into the brain,
Inevitably we arrive at a crossroads, a juncture, a life event or internal experience.  This juncture 
looks different for each of us – for some it may be a serious illness, for others a loss, financial crisis or feeling of a “dark night”.  If we choose to pause at the crossroad and lookcarefully, we will notice a little signboard. 
The arrow points straight ahead- “This way to futility   Only now do we realise that we’ve been travelling towards a futile destination disguised as “happiness” .
Now finally we have become CONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT!
The sign that indicates a turn, a change of direction. The sign promises another place- a peaceful relaxing garden ...a life ofequanimity, joy and wisdom.
The only thing is – the path doesn’t exist yet!  It needs to be created!
So we arrive at a place where a choice is required. Do we carry on walking the same path knowing where it leads to do we choose something different?
We feel an inner trembling ....
The idea of carving a new path is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
Who knows what dangerous creatures might be lurking? Who knows what else is hiding?  We choose the new path anyway... the path less travelled.
We gather all our resources- guiding lights of like minded souls.Perhaps a bulldozer is required in the form of a physical detoxpocess.  Perhaps it may be as simple as learning to breathe more effectively!   As we gather our equipment and tools, we prepare for a major cleanup!
In real life, this process is sparking up new neural pathways in the brain- literally!
Finally, we begin to journey along the newly created pathway-. It is still fresh and unfamiliar and 
therefore still requires focus, concentration and constant awareness. 
We have now become CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT at living an authentic life!
The old highway is still there even though the grass has grown over it, and if we lose awareness, we will find ourselves back there again – on the old familiar path to futility.
However, the longer we walk along the path towards the garden, the more we start to enjoy the journey until we realise that the path IS thegarden!  And that in the process of finding the garden, we have been creating it!  
Now we can relax in the presentknowing and understanding that we are constantly is the process of creation and enjoyment of our creations. And that we can enjoy each other’s creations.
This natural relaxed state of being is when we have mastered the art of an authentic life – we have become UNCONSCIOSLY COMPETENT CONSTANT GARDENERS!

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